Tuesday, April 22, 2008

.. where Ikea is back again

Hi all! Now i think everyone has been waiting for new fotografs from me. So, first here is a couple of them, which i have promised for long time from this new place i live. First, here is a picture of me caught reading magazines and saying "hey":

sometimes i like to go to magazines to read them instead of having the magazines come to me. because when you are giraffe, like me, you never know, which magazine you like to read, when you actually get it. so, it is better to go to their place, so you can choose.

now, this is this bamboo basket where Angel is hiding himself all the time when we play hide-and-seek. right now he has gone somewhere and i have taken his place. this basket is actually a good place to hide, especially if someone wants to take you to washing or you simply want to chat with your friends in the dark. but, as you can see, it is not so easy to get out afterwards, hehe

and this, is where i sleep sometimes, when i have time. it is also good for just sitting or resting my neck after a good hide-and-seek game. anyways, i have to go now!

now, what do you think?