Thursday, December 20, 2007

where Ikea goes to Helsinki

Hello again, it's me, Ikea.

Looks like no-one has been writing my blog while i have been doing other things, so i have to do it myself. So, let me tell you about my trip in Helsinki, while you are here.

First, as you can see, me here on this big red boat. It is not the first thing for me to be on a boat, you know. Before i moved to Estland, i was born in Sweden. So i know boats quite well and they are fun. Not so much being outside on the boat with this weather. I had to carry a large bag so that the wind wouldn't blow me away.. scary!

After a while, i managed to get to Finland. I'm glad they did not have sniffer dogs at the port. Sniffer dogs are no fun at all. Once my friend Muzzy introduced me to one sniffer dog, it was very scary. Sniffer dogs are only fun from a distance.

So, here's a couple of things we did in Helsinki. First we went to eat at Pizza buffet. It is good to have some nice pizza from time to time you know. I like vegetarian.

Then we went shopping. Actually, here i am trying to do my best Shaun the Sheep impression ;)

And here's find the Ikea after all this shopping hehee. We also went to do some sightseeing in the night, and this is pretty much all, before i had to get back to the red boat. Since it was my favorite day - Friday, we had to wait with all these other people trying to get to Estland. Estland seems to be very popular on Fridays for Finns!

And then we came back and that's it. I had this plan of bringing my friend Angel some tupla from Helsinki, but ooops.. i think i was a bit hungry on the way back..

Anyway, in the meantime, i have also moved, as you can see from my name. so i am not in Kalamaja anymore! I will try to post some fotografs of my new place soon. I wanted already to post today, but Volvo and Saab ate them. Oh, im not sure you know Volvo and Saab! well, i will introduce later!

now, what do you think?