Tuesday, August 21, 2007

..where Ikea posts some pics of geocaching

i have to say i am superbusy right now doing my giraffe stuff, so i will just post some fotografs from yesterday when i went sunbathing and geodashing in Raplamaa! c u then!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

where Ikea goes to Lohu and discovers a shadow

now, i have to say i have been busy and didn't have time. for example, the other day i was playing hide-and-seek with Angel. and it took me all day to find out that he was in the washing machine. he-hee, i almost didn't recognize him coz he had been washing you know :)

anyways, maybe some day i have a chance to tell everything i have been doing. but, i went to see Loone linnus last week and i put up some photografs. i also was doing something else, but i can't tell you right now, coz it is a secret! for a giraffe, i like secrets a lot, like Angel says.

but i also ate some raspberries and some green grass on the way. very nice green grass there, although not as tasty as acacia leaves, i have to say. but you should check it out yourself.

here's me with a shadow. my grandpa used to say always: "if you want to see how long neck you have, you need to go and look at your shadow when the sun is really low". i don't know exactly what he meant, but i like shadows. i think i like shadows nearly as much as i like secrets - they both have two S-s, too.

now, what do you think?